Discover the Best Wooden Bicycle Manufacturer Interview from a passionate woodworking professional from Taiwan. An import- export professional, who’s hobby is working on beautiful woods from all over the world.
Best Wooden Bicycle Manufacturer
During our visit on the TaipeiCycle Show 2022 I had the pleasure to meet with Anthony LIANG from Wooder Studio. He was present to showcase his wooden bicycles he is making with passion as a carpenter.
His mission is to democratize beautiful wood bicycle designs. Over the last two years, he has made 12 different wooden bike models, each time with different materials. These are so far not for sale and are not ready for large production. Indeed Anthony is a perfectionist and considers he still needs to improve his prototypes, and he is cooperating with bicycle frame producers to that purpose.

Wooden Bicycle Manufacturer Strategy
Anthony Liang’s wooden bikes are meant for a niche market of bicycle fans who love wood and know how to recognize the effort and the beauty that the woodworking artist has reached in building these wooden bikes.
He continues to develop relationships with various bike part suppliers to streamline his future production. He has studied CNC to help improve the making of the bicycle frame in order to move from a hand-made process towards a larger production capacity. Wooder Studio should release in a near future a new prototype using carbon tube to reach a lighter weight.
Wooder Studio welcomes new customers who would like to have “one-of-a-kind” tailored made wooden bicycle, as Anthony can offer different shapes and weights, as per customer requests.
How to maintain a wooden bicycle?
As Wooder Studio‘s wooden bicycles already have a waterproof coating, the maintenance is very easy: use a dry towel to clean and dry the wooden parts after each ride and use wax once a month
Fun Facts from a Wooden Bike Supplier
Anthony LIANG is the creator of Wooder Studio. His main activity consists in import- export high-end precision woodworking machines (Leader F&W Co. Ltd). He admires a famous wood working artist, Sam Maloof, that he considers as a role model. The latter is renown for making state-of-the-art rocking chairs (
He likes to go for bicycle rides with his friends on their wooden bikes and grab a coffee on the way to chill-out on Sunday sunny afternoons.

Wooder Studio details
The company was founded in 1998. They have in Linkou and have 6 co-workers as of now.
The business address is: 6F, No.256 Sec.1 Wenhua 1st Road, Linkou District, 24447 New Taipei City Taiwan
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Wooder Studio’s official website is to be found at:
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